Music and Culture Exchange

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Are you ready to listen, learn, play and win prizes?  Then I invite you to test your knowledge with our music and culture trivia contest!

As you can see from my photos below, I have traveled the world with music, and I am excited to host this educational trivia game for the UNC Chapel Hill community.

Good Luck and let the games begin!

谢谢 ( thanks ) – Chris
Trumpet Monk

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Welcome to
Chapel Hill

The southern part of Heaven
My mission would not be possible without our world class university.
  • UNC-Chapel Hill is the oldest public university in the United States
  • Chartered December 11, 1789 by the North Carolina General Assembly
  • Opened to students January 15, 1795

Contest Opens In:

Countdown Expired – Refresh this page!

When the countdown ends, refresh this page, and the question will appear.
The first member who answers the question correctly, wins the prize below!

Current Prize:

$25 Gift Card for dining at Zayka

Provided by:

Elevate Your Taste
105 E Franklin St
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
(919) 240-5484

Trivia Game Guidelines